Self Publishing Books to Make Your Writing Dreams Come True

Interested in self publishing books? If you are a writer, you need to check out all of the great information throughout Publishers Notebook! It will save you a lot of time and money and get your writing in front of readers.

Something compelling happened to me while I was deployed for seven months out to sea on a submarine in the Navy. Isolated from civilization, unable to communicate with the real world, I had a lot of time to think about why so many people fail to make it passed the writing stage and publish their books. They may get the writing done, but then it just stops right there.


Writers have several challenges they must face from start to finish with their book writing! Whether it's coming up with new ideas for writing, putting words into the correct context that flows for readers, publishing the completed project, or marketing the book once it's published, they have many questions, blocks, and other obstacles that discourage them and sometime even make them quit!

This stops right now!

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My vision is to help you become as successful as possible with your writing without breaking the bank! That's why I have so much helpful information throughout the Publishers Notebook website and much more after you subscribe.

There are so many talented people in the world that love to write stories. Unfortunately, they never go any further than the writing stage. Some actually publish their work, but it ends there and they make no money. Their dreams are crushed.

Many people don't have a clue what to do after their books are written and they start self publishing books. Publishers Notebook is your ultimate resource of writing and publishing knowledge to help you get beyond where you are today.

On that cold submarine, isolated from the world, I sat alone thinking of how to make your life better in every aspect of writing. Based on questions asked by my past subscribers, the problems they were having, and problems I had myself while self publishing books, I discovered a few vital pieces of the puzzle that are most likely holding you back from many things. Things that make you miss out on the many successes you deserve after completing the great feat of finishing a story, novel, or other book.

Here is a couple of questions you can ask yourself to see if you need the information on Publishers Notebook:

  • Do you write fiction or non-fiction books?
  • Do you want to get something back from your writing?
  • Are you having trouble self publishing books?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, or you are simply wanting to learn how to take advantage of your writing abilities, Publishers Notebook can help you.

I've been writing for over 34 years and self publishing books since 2005. Most of my stories and other books sat in a box or frozen in my computer for nearly 20 years waiting to come to life.

Why on earth did I wait that long?

The main reason my books stopped at the end of writing was that I didn't know where to go from there. I sought out publishers, sent out a couple of manuscripts, and simply lost interest. That was until I learned how to publish books. The process was simple. I've been pumping out books since.

Publishers Notebook is the compilation of knowledge I've gained over the last 34 years of writing and publishing. This FREE information will help you with everything, covering all aspects of writing, publishing, and marketing so you can advance beyond your creative ideas and provide help and entertainment to others. Check out all of the website focus areas below.

Writing Information

Find information about writing a book from start to finish to get your books ready for publishing.

Get the book writing help you need to come up with ideas, improve writing, and more.

Find the writing resources you need to free up your time.

Learn about kids writing and how to boost their creativity.

Publishing Information

Discover the different types of publishing available to writers.

Learn the different types of manuscript formats used to publish books.

Get the publisher help you need to produce the best book possible.

Find out how to start your own publishing business.

Book Marketing Information

Learn how to sell books the right way so you can make money from your writing.

Discover several different book marketing strategies to help sell books.

Here are some book marketing tips to help you avoid problems.

Learn how to make money writing books for a living.

For Your writing, publishing, and post-publishing success,

Jason Moser
Author and Self Publisher

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